Gourmet Deli

For over 50 years

the Porciatti family offers in its shop in Radda in Chianti a wide variety of Tuscan and Italian gastronomic specialties, but also a selection of foreign gastronomic delights.

In the shop of Casa Porciatti

you can find the salami and cured meats of our own production, first quality cheeses, the best brands of homemade pasta, pickles, condiments, sauces, wines, sweets of Sienese and Chianti tradition, jams, honeys and a line of products of Casa Porciatti selected by our family among the best of local gastronomic production.

You can come to Casa Porciatti

for the daily shopping, or to find a gastronomic gem for a quality gift. In the counters of gastronomy you can also find every day the traditional Tuscan dishes already cooked or ready to be cooked at home.

The recipes used are those of the past

and the steps of processing and cooking of food take place in our kitchen, following old family recipes and traditions handed down through the generations.

Among the various specialties

you can find porchetta, Tuscan crostini, roast chicken, roast beef, lasagne with tomato sauce, Tuscan ragout, meatloaf, skewers, roasted duck, “stracotto al Chianti” and many other delights.

Nei banchi della gastronomia

trovate tutti i giorni le tradizionali preparazioni toscane già cotte oppure pronte per essere cucinate.

Le ricette che utilizziamo sono quelle di una volta

e i processi di lavorazione e cottura dei cibi avvengono nel nostro laboratorio, seguendo le tradizioni tramandate dalla nostra famiglia.

Tra le varie specialità ci sono

la porchetta, i crostini toscani, il pollo arrosto, il roast-beef, le lasagne al sugo, l’arista al forno, il ragù toscano, il polpettone, gli spiedini, l’anatra in porchetta, lo stracotto al Chianti e tante altre delizie.

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