As in the days of Comm. G.B. Burlotto, the greatest Burlotto wine is Verduno’s magical Barolo Monvigliero. The greatness of Monvigliero lies in its distinctive aromatic traits, which are different from any Barolo. Its surprisingly intense and immediately recognizable scent of wild strawberries, rose petals, cedar and truffle is nothing short of hypnotic. And it could come from nowhere else in the world. It is the essence of its terroir
This historic estate located in the municipality of Verduno in the Barolo DOCG, was founded by Giovan Battista Burlotto, the Commendatore, in the mid-18th century, during which he obtained the illustrious title of “Supplier of the Royal House of Savoy”, and “L ‘ sole supplier of the Arctic expedition of the Duke of Abruzzo to the North Pole “. Burlotto distinguished himself by introducing the practice of selling bottled wine with the name of his estate (in the manner of the French castles) at a time when in the Langa it was common practice to sell wine in cask.
Most of the estate’s vineyards are located in the municipality of Verduno, where there is also the famous cru Monvigliero, which is known for its position entirely to the south and the white marl soil.
The estate remains the property of the family and is currently under the direction of Burlotto’s great-granddaughter, Mariana Burlotto, and her husband, Giuseppe Alessandria.